Günther Noack

If you’re reading this you found my weblog, where I post interesting things about computers and software.

I started programming for fun at an early age in 1993 and for money in 2003. These days, I work as a Staff Software Engineer at Google in Zurich. I’m a Linux user since 1999.

My long term interests include software security, software design, programming languages and operating systems.

I’m blogging since 2005. My old weblog is available here.

Thoughts expressed on this website are my own and do not represent my employer.


I am not an avid user of social media. The best way to reach me is e-mail.


You can subscribe to this weblog with a suitable feed reader software through its RSS feed.

I also occasionally post on the Linux kernel mailing lists.


I made this weblog with Hugo, and a heavily hacked Tale theme.
